Popcorn Junkie
Movie reviews and discussion from a hardcore movie fan.
8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 12: The Wonderful World of Disney Remakes

With the sequel to Disney's live action Alice in Wonderland out in theaters, Jon talks about the movies Disney has already remade and ones that could benefit from a remake.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 11: An Offline Discussion

Without access to the Internet, Jon does an impromptu discussion about the upcoming Ghostbusters remake and Hollywood adaptations.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 10: Greed is Good, But Some Movies Aren't

With a new movie about Wall Street in theaters, Jon discusses Hollywood's depiction of them in film.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 9: A Marvelous Episode

With Captain America: Civil War being the only new release, Jon talks about the MCU up to now.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 8: New High Score

With Ratchet and Clank in theaters, Jon looks at Hollywood's attempts at adapting video games into movies.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 7: In the Before Time

With the prequel-sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman in theaters, Jon talks about movie prequels.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 6: Cartoons Ain't Real

With Disney's Jungle Book out, Jon talks about Hollywood adapting cartoons into live action.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 5: An Experiment in Film Discussion

With Hardcore Henry out, Jon talks about experimental filmmaking and how it affected the medium.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 4: Ripped Headline Casserole

With Eye in the Sky in theaters, Jon attempts to talk about movies that take inspiration from current events.

8 years ago

Popcorn Junkie 3: Making a Better Superman

With Batman v Superman being the big release in theaters, Jon talks about how to make a better Superman movie.